How to Keep Up With Social Media Trends

At the start of any new year, I am asked what can we expect to see in social media? Are there new social media trends we need to be mindful of? What should we be focusing on? What changes are coming? In reality, it's not until now that we realise the year is well and truly underway and it's time to put our learnings into action.

When it comes to Instagram specifically, everyone wants to know…do we have to do a video?

Here are the five latest social media trends in 2023 and how you can leverage your Insta for your business…or not.

1. Quality over quantity.

Our audiences are savvy. They know when you are phoning it in with your content, just throwing something online for the sheer sake of it. GRAB OUR INSTANT SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT CALENDAR TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD.

In 2023, your social media content must focus on giving your audience what they want and need. They want quality, meaningful content that educates, entertains, informs or inspires them. When planning your content calendar, deliver one great post a week rather than seven mediocre posts.

With the incredible tools of social media at our finger tips there is no reason not to know what your audience wants. Put simply, ask them! And then deliver.

2. Video.

You were hoping I would say that video isn’t necessary, right? Sorry!

While many social media platforms say they won’t prioritise video over other forms of content like images or the written word, ultimately it is up to the audience how they want to consume content. And the data is in. We love video. Be it a ten second reel of a cute puppy rolling in a puddle, the latest way to accessorise jeans or how to save money. Video wins all day, every day.

For those of you who shudder when the word ‘video’ is uttered, don’t be alarmed. Find the video format that works best for you. You don’t have to do it all. If you’re better off the cuff, hit the live button. If you love your images, use a template with music and you will have a gorgeous video content piece. If you like quick updates with a fun filter, then use stories.

3. Connection.

Social media is social.

You do not walk down the street and immediately yell at someone, “Buy my widget!”. Instead, you meet someone new, introduce yourself and build a connection. The same goes for social media. In 2023, you can expect more connection to be on the cards via social media in the forms of groups, voice memos, and networking.

Be yourself, be part of a community or build your own. Either way, social media is about connecting with likeminded people and the platform you use, be it LinkedIn or Facebook, is simply a tool to allow the connection to happen.

4. Lo-fi.

Yes, breathe easy! In 2023, social media audiences want more authenticity (sorry, that word is so overused). They want to see the real you…remember point 3, connection!

You don’t need fancy lighting, the perfect set, or a cast. Our social media audiences want to see you. Using the excuses of ‘I don’t have the right gear’, or doing 1000 takes to achieve perfection won’t cut it.

As long as you have a smart phone, you have all the tools you need at your fingertips to create social media content. Keep your social media content simple, meaningful and low cost.

A few lo-fi ideas are behind the scenes content, sneak peek at a new product in the product phase, a walk through of the office and team, try ons of the latest range.

5. Nano-influencers

Nano-what now?! You’ve heard of influencers, macro-influencers and micro-influencers. 2023 social media is giving rise to the nano-influencer.

Don’t let the name fool you. They are social media influencers with less than 1000 followers and have tremendous influence. They might be the local cafe owner or pilates instructor and have a close relationship with their online community.

Nano-influencers have strong engagement with their followers and their social media content is typically more authentic and deemed highly trustworthy. For that reason, their followers listen when they recommend a product or service.

Expect to see more content from nano-influencers in 2023. As a brand, consider working with them for content creation and sharing the user-generated content they create with your audiences.

While social media trends come and go, remember when using social media to be consistent and always measure so you can learn and focus on what works for you and your audience. But most of all, socialise and not overthink it! Have fun!