Unlocking Employee Well-Being: How to Foster Mental Health in the Workplace

October is Mental Health Month. As a business owner, I understand the myriad of stressors which come with being the boss. From finance to marketing, HR to customer service, at the end of the day it falls to you. Yes, even when you have a team. 

I am far from having it all figured out, and some days are definitely easier than others. 

I thought this year I’d share with you how we are prioritising mental health in our business, so that I, and my team can be well.

  1. Firstly, good mental health practices are embedded within our values. We are strongly opposed to the hustle culture that is so often associated with agencies. We are in marketing, not saving lives, so rarely is something so urgent that it requires long hours, weekends in front of the laptop and barely remember what our family looks like.  

  2. Turn off all notifications (if you can), and set your phone to focus mode. The constant ‘always on’ nature of our lives can deplete our energy, leaving us overstimulated and exhausted. I encourage my team to set their Slack and Asana to off at the end of the day and love that smart phones now have various focus settings to restrict how available we are. Often I work in the evenings, and I don’t want my emails and other messages, interrupting their time away from the desk. 

  3. We work remotely, and with various contractors who do the same. We love the flexibility, but sometimes chatting with another human or being surrounded by movement, noise and life is what we crave. Be it a cafe, coworking space, park or a friend’s dining table, schedule in time weekly to leave the work from home cave, and explore the world. It’s also amazing what a change of scenery can do for creativity, productivity and motivation! 

  4. Check in with yourself and your team. As a someone who has experienced burn out (sadly, repeat offender) I wholeheartedly advocate for a break. Sure, there are times when deadlines loom and long days are needed, but I am actively trying to incorporate downtime into my day. Thankfully, my dog let’s me know when I need to move and take her out. It still amazes me how a 10min walk around the block with her resets my mind, focus and energy. Where possible I take calls while walking. If you don’t have a dog, set a timer. Typically, when I am sitting, frustrated by a project, desk-free time is the solution. 

BONUS TIP: Listen to your body. Do you have a sore back, is your stomach-turning, are you tired despite 8hr sleep, is it hard to focus on a simple task, or is your motivation down?

These are warning signs that you are on the verge of BURN OUT. I know from personal experience that burn out is real, and when it takes hold, it can take months to recover mentally and physically.

5. Ensure you and your team take a holiday. In Australia, we typically have 4 weeks a year as leave, and it’s important that this time is taken. Recharge, reconnect with ourselves, family and friends. Explore our backyard or the world. Tidy the linen cupboard. Whatever you do with this time, fill up your cup. Remember, you and your team are people first and foremost.



  • Lifeline Australia 13 11 14

  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

  • MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78

  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

  • Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636