Work smarter, not harder: how to leverage your content

Leveraging content simply means that you are finding multiple ways to share your message, across different formats and platforms. As a business, you want to ensure that you are creating authority in your industry, and ensuring that your efforts in every area are maximised. Just like people leverage financial assets to create wealth, we want to leverage content online so it has a lifespan beyond just one post and provides you with more opportunities to connect with your audience.

Reasons to leverage your content:

  1. Not everyone consumes content in the same way as others. Some prefer audio, while others are visual learners and find reading or seeing information as a better way to learn.

  2. Make accessible content. It’s important to remember that some people have impairments and therefore providing content in various formats means that it is more accessible.

  3. Leveraging content in these ways will increase your reach. New content formats, and platforms, can increase the likelihood that you will reach more people. While we always suggest businesses focus on the platforms where their audiences spend the most time, don’t forget about potential new audiences. Where are they spending their time online?

  4. Find new customers: By repurposing your content you can find new customers. How does this work? A few ways, actually. Firstly, various social media platforms can prioritise specific content formats. While Instagram assures us this isn’t the case, the data shows us that video is highly engaging and works well to stop people mid-scroll. With new content formats, you will find that followers will share different pieces of content with friends, family, or colleagues. Tagging on Instagram is out, and sharing in a direct message is in.

  5. And finally, repurposed content gives you longevity. It’s not one post, perhaps a day’s worth of traction, or just scrolled by and gone in an hour. Instead, you’ve got multiple opportunities to find new customers and remind them why your content is worth following.

Tips for leveraging your content:

  1. Repurpose your existing content with new audiences in mind and post it.

  2. If starting on a new platform, keep an eye on your metrics to determine over the coming months if this new platform is worth including in your strategy.

  3. Look at your past content, grab the best performing, and share it in a new way.

How we leveraged this content:

  1. Firstly, we created this content as a carousel post for Instagram (see above images).

  2. Next, we took the carousel content and wrote this blog for our website.

  3. Once online, we wrote an enewsletter to our database and provided a link that clicked through to this webpage.

  4. Going forward, as this content is evergreen (meaning it doesn’t expire or become dated), we can create a Reel outlining how to leverage content.

  5. Finally, using this blog, our Instagram caption, or images, we can our content on Threads, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

To find out more about content, search our Blog page or subscribe to our newsletter. Our emails are semi-regular, ensuring that we only appear in your inbox when we have something of value to share such as:

  1. complimentary resources such as templates and guides,

  2. our expertise, and insights on business and marketing topics from branding to social media, strategy to sales, and

  3. updates and information that you can apply to your business.